Chiropractic primarily concerns itself with the relationship between structure of the spine and function of the human body which is coordinated by the central nervous system and brain.
Chiropractors are highly skilled at observing and palpating the body to identify and correct subluxation* and or postural distortion patterns in the musculoskeletal system.
*Subluxation is a term used by chiropractors to describe when spinal joints misalign/become restricted and this can interfere with the function of the nervous system. This can interfere with the complex and delicate communication between the brain and body. A Chiropractor will deliver an adjustment which is a specific corrective force to the misaligned/restricted joint to permit normal nerve transmission and allow the innate recuperative healing of the body.
You may experience this interference as symptoms. Your main motivation may be to rid yourself of symptoms of pain, numbness, weakness. Chiropractors aim to restore function and health, a side effect of which is removing these symptoms. Uninterrupted communication between the brain and body via the central nervous system is essential to allow us to interpret and respond to our environment and therefore experience a healthy life.
D.D.Palmer originally founded chiropractic in 1895 as a method of adjusting the spine to restore the body’s innate ability to heal. The term “innate intelligence” of the body may be understood in the same way as Qi energy in chinese medicine, Prana in the Ayurvedic tradition or the more outdated western medical term vitality. Since its conception chiropractic has evolved into many different techniques of which sacroccipital technique (SOT) is one; all are focused on restoring the body’s innate ability to express life. There are many well-respected papers providing evidence for the benefits of Chiropractic technique and new evidence is being collected so that Chiropractic can confidently be included within evidence based medicine.
The Chiropractic profession is organised internationally and there are international standards for education. A Chiropractor is a highly trained primary health care provider and so is able to recognise when your complaint would need onward referral for further investigation. In common with Medical Practitioners and Dentists, the Chiropractic profession is regulated by law (Chiropractic Act 1994) and this is overseen by the General Chiropractic Council (GCC).