I decided to study Chiropractic after I saw how it helped my Father recover from a back injury.
I learnt the importance of a functioning nervous system for the body to heal and express health. I was struck by how much sense this made to me and I wondered why this had not been impressed upon me during my undergraduate degree in Human Biology.
I graduated from the University of Surrey in 2002 with a Masters degree in Chiropractic. This was just the beginning of my love of learning and understanding holistically the workings of the human body and what you need to fully express a healthy life.
Personally for me this includes regular chiropractic care as well as swimming, running, cycling, Pilates and Yoga; preparing food that is both health-giving for my family and myself and not to the detriment of the earth that it comes from. I have learnt that my mind is better controlled when I am mindful of negative “chatter” and give my thoughts to gratitude for life rather than complaints.
I learn everyday from the people I meet. I am always deepening my understanding about the importance of good neuromusculoskeletal function, nutrition and a controlled mind. I am eager to share my passion with my clients so that they can thrive.
The power that made the body is the power that heals the body
I have an understanding of the complex relationships within the body and what can threaten function and then our experiences of life and health.
I have applied this knowledge to my family and myself. We embrace the concept that if you “eat well, think well, move well” you can express the best version of you. A spinal column and pelvis free from subluxation* (misalignment) is key to your ability to “move well”.